Wednesday, 11 December 2013


God has been taking me through a journey of understanding what Faith is and the power within it. I think it’s important to understand what faith is, so that you are not just blindly saying that you have faith that a situation is going to work, and that God is in control. You need to understand that faith is not just something God has thrown at you mindlessly. There’s emphasis about having faith, and standing on your faith, and faith works when it doesn’t waver and this is all true, but you need to also understand that Faith from God is Power from God. When trouble ensues we like to run to God, asking, pleading, crying that He fix this sudden onslaught of evil that’s coming our way. But I’m saying you don’t need to run to God all the time. God has given you an arsenal of weapons; God gave you power when he gave you Faith. Galatians 3:11 says, “The just shall live by faith.” Living by faith. Don’t just read it and say it without understanding it. The just are sustained, or supplied by faith. Faith holds this power. It holds enough to allow you to survive: this is what God has armed you with; a weapon, a mechanism to sustain you, on which you can survive.
So, when trouble arises, if you are born again, face that mountain like the child of God that you are; face it like you know that your Father owns this world and there's nothing that will come against you that He has not given you power to cut down; face it courageously because your father has armed you with the weapons to deal with the situation. We often have trouble figuring out how to exercise our faith, and when trouble arises, it’s an opportunity for you to exercise your faith. It may not even be a big mountain that you  need to speak to  to fully make faith work for you. It could be a seemingly harmless comment someone says about your situation. That’s an opportunity for you to take your sword and cut the devil’s neck, shoulders, knees and toes. You can do it because God gave you that power. You don’t need to stand in agreement with what that person says, then later on be depressed about not having faith. No! You have it. You just didn’t exercise it. God gave you power and you just stood there and allowed someone to cut you and your dream to shreds. You are not weak. Your strength is from, and is in God.
Look at what Jesus was saying in Matthew 21:21: And truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree, but even if you say to this mountain, be taken and thrown into the sea, it will happen.” Again, Matthew 17:20:….Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move.Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Jesus is illustrating to you the power you have through this God-given faith. You shouldn’t doubt that you have it, because the moment you were born again, God implanted in you a measure of faith. The faith he gave you is powerful enough for you to speak into situations and see those mountains moved and cast into the sea. I’ve learned that this faith is powerful enough to make ALL things possible to me. You name it, faith can do it. Reflect on that. Imagine living in a world where there isn’t anything out of your reach; where you speak things and they just happen, where you have access to the best of everything. There isn't anything that is inaccessible, unbearable, etc, literally everything is possible.  [this branches off into working within the spiritual realm and taking hold of things that are not as though they are; that’s a whole different ball game/discussion from what I’m writing about here].  When you start operating in this realm, you begin to have a different vision, a new sight and understanding into what’s possible. 

 But that’s how you grow your faith, that’s how you exercise and put it to work. By living by it, and allowing it to sustain you; by enforcing it in all things and in everything. We are not powerless beings. God isn’t raising us up just so we run to him at every drop of trouble. He is equipping us to withstand the onslaught of the enemy. Why would he equip us if he didn’t expect us to fight? Soldiers don’t recognize trouble then run to the general asking for help. No. They have been equipped, they have the weapons, the authority to eliminate any hindrance in their path. Don’t think  by accepting this authority and walking in it you’re walking in  your own power and taking God’s place. Not at all. All that power is Gods’. Through you He is showing his Might and Majesty. Step out from fear and act like an heir to the throne. Princes have power. Exercise it. God has placed you on higher ground. Stop confusing yourself thinking you don’t have what you were given. It’s there. Exercise it. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived by the devil. Your father is not a liar. The faith God has given you is sufficient; don’t believe the devil’s lies when he says that you don’t have enough faith, or that it’s too small. Don’t start repeating these lies to yourself either and doing the devil’s job for him. You’re not his servant! You’re a Prince, co-heir with Jesus. What God has given you is enough to overcome anything, and everything in this world!

Get out of the rags you’re wearing. You’re in the kingdom of God now. Adorn your royal garments and go do your Princely duties. God loves you; God loves us. He has given us the victory already.

Until next time,


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