Saturday, 14 September 2013

Dry Season - Dry Bones 

What is a Dry Season?

It is a season of Lack, a season when everything that could be wrong goes wrong. It’s a season when the promise God has over your life seems impossible. Within your Dry Season you find yourself in a valley unable to pick YOURSELF back up! 

How did I end up in a Dry Season?
Contrary to popular belief, Dry Seasons are not always caused by the devil. Sometimes God brings you to a dry place for you to activate your faith in him -(Hosea 2:14)" Therefore, behold. I will allure her, Will bring her into the wilderness, And speak comfort to her". Don't get it twisted though, James 1 tells us that God cannot be tempted therefore he cannot tempt you. In other words, God would not bring a situation into your life for you to be temped and stumble; that’s the devil. Remember Ladies, God is a good God, he may allow things to happen, for example Job, but he would never bring bad things upon you, for example cancer. (Matthew 4:1) says " Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil". Yes, Kingdom Women, The Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness! But it was the devil that tempted him!

Also, Ezekiel found himself in a Dry Season led by the Holy Spirit! The Bible says in(Ezekial 37:1) "The hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones.”

 Dry seasons come into our life for a season
 Ladies seasons come and go. Depending on your circumstance, the duration your season will vary. For example, here in Canada, winter lasts for what seems to be forever! lol Jesus does not promise us that we will not face tribulation. In fact, because you are the light in this dark world attention BETTER be on you! Demons better know your name because you’re a warrior for Christ who casts down strongholds that are not of God! Isaiah 43:2 tells us: "when you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze" Jesus said lets go to the other side of the river ladies. Within this journey you will be faced with wild storms! But don't focus on the storm keep your eyes on Jesus. 

Notice how in verse 1 Ezekiel was taken into his dry season but knew who he was in Christ (God)?  He told us sisters the Lord took me here and then caused me to pass by them all! Did the Lord not say He will never leave you or forsake you? If the answer is yes, why then are you anxious?

How to face your Dry Seasons 

Alright! Back to our brother Ezekiel! Ezekeil 37:2 says Then he caused me to pass by them all around, and BEHOLD there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they where dry”.

Notice how Ezekiel saw with his physical eyes that INDEED THEY WHERE DRY. I am not saying that what you’re facing is not real and should be ignored. However, our spiritual eyes and mouth should have the last say!

Some of us start to disbelieve the rhema word of God! How do you disbelieve? We disbelieve when we become anxious, when we are worried and are not at rest. Yet, the bible tells us clearly: do not be anxious for anything. Because we are letting our natural eyes have the last say - indeed they were dry - we start to function in the flesh causing us not to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say to us in verse 3! Listen let the truth be told, God is a Spirit and can only connect with you in Spirit and in truth therefore remain ALERT, AWAKE AND AWARE of his Presence! 

Ezekeil 37:3 " And he said to me "Son of man, can these bones live? So I answered, " O Lord GOD, You know". Our faith is based on what we believe and speak forth. Sometimes within your dry season, when the Lord asks you "Shamiso Daughter of Zion, can these dry bones live? - In your mind you know the flesh has completely come off the bones! Now how many years would that have taken for it to be only bones? Ladies I am speaking to that dream God spoke over your life that seems to have died for many years. I am talking about your hope to find a Godly husband that seems to have died. The hopes of getting into medical school or Law school that seems to have died! You look at your age or grades or the doctors report and naturally it does not look pretty! Or not only is your account empty, you are in the negatives and owing! 

The key thing is to watch what you say! I always say Rhema over facts, in other words, the unchangeable, unbeatable, utterance of God over physical facts. If you can have an illness today and a week later be healed through antibiotics, what more the word of God who says you’re healed through his blood. Yes, you are sick, it’s a fact but anything seen is subject to change. Moreover, The Alpha and The Omega, the beginning and the end, The God who is in eternity and can step into time on your behalf is the same yesterday, today and forever

Ezekiel clearly saw he was broke! He clearly saw he could not pay his tuition but he depended on the God who puts the super in your natural! Sometimes the best answer you can give or the best thing you can speak with your mouth is the word of God. Listen Ladies, our minds are limited to understand the supernatural. But what I know is that what God says I am is my identity, even when I don't completely understand what he means. Look at Mary, when the angel came to her and said all these unbelievable things about her carrying a child when she had never had sex, she asked the angel how it would happen, then the angel explained. The key is what Mary said " I am the Lord's servant. Let everything you've said happen to me." - (Luke 19: 28-44) In other words, I have no clue what you just said but its all good, let how you have explained it be the way it will happen. 

This is a prophetic season Ladies! The Bible says life and death is in the power of the tongue, Speak LIFE! There are angels and demons around you waiting for you to speak either life or death. Both sides will say amen let it be true when you are done speaking! In other words anytime you say, I am so broke girl! Demons say AMEN! OR your bank account could be empty and say yet you God will supply all my needs girl! Angels understand that those words have the Fathers anointing and are ready to take charge over you! 

The Lord said to Ezekiel "Prophesy to these bones, and say to them 'O dry bones, hear the word of the LORD'! *chills*  

My Sisters, it’s true your "bones are dry, your hope is lost" - (Ezekiel 37:11) but don't lose your confidence in God, stand on his word and he will back you up! God is a restoring God! He wants to awaken all your dreams and restore them back to life! Lord knows He is going to awaken my bank account and pay for my education! 

The Hebrew word for prophecy is naba, which can also mean to flow forth! Ladies you have a divine inheritance! All we have to do is to ask and RECEIVE! Ask him for your inheritance which you are entitled to through the blood of Jesus! Speak and prophesy! 

 The Lord is saying: Do not remember the former things,Nor consider the things of old.BEHOLD, I am doing a new thing!    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?I will even make a road in the wildernessAnd rivers in the desert!

(He is the same God! If he did it before he will do it again)

Kingdom Woman of God, there is a river inside of you waiting to be realized! Prophesy and the Lord will restore!  

 Last words, when you activate your faith and abide in Him and Him in you, and speak the rhema, rivers will spring forth. When rivers emerge, geography changes, and landscapes alter! Ladies God, will bring something new you, something you never expected! Just hold on!

I will be testifying real soon about God being My Jehovah Jireh - My Provider  

Email us for any prayer request or testimonies!
~ Love your Sister in Christ 
      - Shamiso Muzorewa

#kingdomwoman #daughterofzion #womanoffaith

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