Friday, 11 October 2013

Testimony of Faith

I’m excited to write my first blog post.  I feel like I have so much to say but I don’t know if I’ll articulate everything all at once. I hope everything will make sense as I write.
First and foremost all Glory and Praise to Jesus! GOD.IS.REAL.  That revelation is overwhelming at times because I feel that, now that I know and accept and truly believe in His existence He should just take me home! There are 7 billion people on this Earth, you’ll find someone else to do what you want me to do: JUST TAKE ME HOME. And then at times, I know and believe He’s real, He’s here but then in my mind he is so far away. And when you add the dysfunction in the world in all its forms it makes me frustrated because I feel that “Can you just speed up time and get to the point so you can establish a new Earth and you’ll reign for eternity.” Those moments, the impatience is unreal.
But I digress.

The point of this post is to just give Praise to God for his goodness and mercy and love and faithfulness. I recently wrote the LSAT exam (and when I get my results and get into the school I want I will post my testimony), and that process I chalk it off to God. I fasted, and prayed, my momma and my besties were praying for me, and I felt such a calmness and peace that at one point I thought to myself: “Holy Spirit, what’s the point of me going there. My victory has already been won.” It’s not that I felt cocky, but the certainty I felt was unreal. I don’t think I have had that level of faith, where I am 100% sure of what I cannot see. It wasn’t mind over matter. That was just God being God. The morning of, I opened my Bible and the verse I landed on was Proverbs 2: 6For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.” Another version I’ve seen is this:“All wisdom comes from the Lord, and so do common sense and understanding.”

These verses are powerful in themselves and in the context of the situation. And that morning, this made me smile and feel so confident. It was also a reminder to myself that it’s not by my own wisdom and knowledge that I am going to pass this exam, but it’s through the wisdom and knowledge and understanding that God has already given me.

The days and weeks before this exam, a thought had been gnawing at the back of my mind, thoughts of “what if I fail?” “What if God abandons me? What if he doesn’t pull through with his promise? Maybe this is just my mind making things up.” The fearful thoughts the devil was trying to paralyze me with sent me running to Jesus, and that’s how I ended up fasting. I had planned months before that I would fast 2 weeks before the exam, but when that week was approaching I toyed with the idea of not fasting. But then I was bombarded with these thoughts, and I told myself I wasn’t going to have a melt down before the exam. I suppose I should thank the devil, but I won’t. He’s a liar and a thief. He doesn’t deserve any gratitude from me. Busta has stolen more than he has given.
After the fast I received this word: Numbers 23:19“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken and shall he not make it good?” This has been my new go-to scripture because I think it’s a huge building block in my understanding of God and in my walk to trusting him. Trust has always been an issue with me, even with God. I trust Him with some things, and not with others. And this was confirmation about what He put in my heart (which I shall reveal when everything comes together, but trust me it’s AH-mazing!). It really struck me that this was God saying, “Listen, I am not going back on my word. I don’t go back on my word, I never do. I’m not a man/human being that I will say something then apologize for not doing it later. I say something and I do it; I speak and I fulfill it, I make it good.” It’s like that scripture in Isaiah 55:11; where he says when he speaks, his word will accomplish the purpose for which it was sent; he can’t swallow back his words. There are no take backs with God, and I think that is important when you are going through this journey and when you may have doubts about His promises and whether he will fulfill what he spoke to you. Those thoughts try to plague me too; even now as I sit and write this, part of me is wondering how all of this is (my life, my career) is going to come together, but He promises that he has plans to prosper me, and that is a promise that he will fulfill because he is not a liar, and what he says he will do, he will do it.

FIght For your Blessing !

And hey, if reminding God of what his word says helps keep the power of suggestion from the devil from attacking you, do it. Because in reminding God, you always end up reminding yourself and solidifying that trust in Him.
There have been times where something will happen or a thought will come about, and in my righteous anger I go to the Holy Spirit, livid because all the low-blows Satan is taking, and for some reason all these scriptures I never knew I knew start coming out and I’m slaying demons and reading the devil for filth, and by the end of it, whatever powers of illusion the devil was trying to establish is broken and I go about my day. I start off going to God saying “What is this foolishness that you are permitting the devil to do” and it ends up being redirected to shredding the devil to dust.  Those days, I swear, if there was a portal into the spirit world I’d have the devil running to God for protection. Those days I am not here for his shenanigans. And that’s how we have to be in all situations. Slay him with God’s word, but don’t just say it to say it; believe what you are saying and be firm and swing that sword of the word of God and take no prisoners.  If he were in your face at that moment you need to see yourself just annihilating him. And it’s not through your own power, it’s through the Spirit of God, it’s through what God says: that you are more than a conqueror; it’s through his word that says He defeated the devil already; it’s through his word that says that the devil may have power but he doesn’t have authority over your life. You have to remember that when he comes at you trying to spin his web of lies.

I think it was Shamiso telling me that, the devil is a spirit and he sees the blessings that God has given us but tries to make us doubt because we don’t physically see it before its manifestation.  So him coming to you, trying to sow seeds of doubt, means something is about to go down. And I’m m not saying I am always keeping watching and I’m always alert, and it’s something I am working on, but even if you falter, run back to Jesus, repent, get restored and come back energized and ready.
Because we have all given the devil our time, minds, energies, bodies, our money thinking we are investing in something good, and none of us have gotten a return on our investment. The devil’s time’s up. Personally, I think I gave him more chances than I gave God, and I got nothing on my investment. Not even a penny. Not even a dime. A dime, Satan; your lying-self couldn’t even give me that.  So, yes, I’m confident in my walk with God now, and I know I have life, peace, prosperity, and an overflow of blessings in Him.

 Yours Truly, 

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